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Chinese Zodiac Horoscope

2018 - The Year of Dog


1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 2010 2022
Fortune looks quite good this year. There may not be any excitement or progress in the first half of the year, but things will look up in the second half - especially if you were born in 1974. Young tigers will do well in studies - but don't be over-anxious to start new love affairs. Wait for the right person - they'll come at the right time. Female Tigers have stronger fortune this year and you'll celebrate many happy events in your family. Go with the flow where relationships are concerned and pick the right time to ask for favors.
Tiger people are aggressive, courageous, candid and sensitive.
A smooth year for Tiger businessmen and students (especially those born in 1950, 1962 and 1986).You will make steady progress if you plan every step of the way carefully. For those born in 1962, everything will run smoothly, and you may achieve outstanding results. But avoid long working hours.
A promising profit from regular income, but do not expect too much from other sources of gain. For those born in 1962, be extra careful, as you could be easily cheated. Tigers born in 1974 must avoid gambling - spend your money on your loved ones instead.
If you have been sick, lots of rest and water will help you recover faster. If you are going overseas, take extra precautions with your health and personal safety, especially if you were born in 1950. Health isn't that great for Tigers born in 1986.
Single Tigers will have plenty of romance. If you were born in 1974, you may even meet your future spouse. Those born in 1938 should try to understand that the younger generations have different ways of doing things compared to the past.
Compatible in love
Horse, Dog, Pig
Not compatible in love
Compatible in business